Adoptable / Foster Me!


  • 11 years old
  • 8.2 lbs
  • Female

A senior gal who loves her me time

Foster AmberittaAdopt Amberitta

About Amberitta

Meet Amberitta, a senior cat in need of a loving, quiet home. She’s an independent spirit, cherishing her alone time but also enjoying moments of playful interaction. Her gentle demeanor is evident in her calm, serene presence. While a bit shy at first, she warms up with time, revealing her playful side. Amberitta does prefer to be the only feline in her domain, as she does not take too kindly to other cats. On the other hand, she does not seem to mind dogs and may even be delighted in their presence. Despite her need for independence, she still yearns for a loving home where she can enjoy her golden years in peace. Her unique blend of independence and playfulness, combined with her gentle nature, makes her a perfect companion for someone who appreciates a cat with character. Adopt Amberitta and give this gal the loving home she deserves.

Energy Level

I enjoy playing, but it’s not a daily necessity.


Meh. I could take it or leave it.

Friendly with strangers

With proper introductions I can love anybody.


I'm a super considerate housemate.


I'm not really a huge fan of kids.


I’m interested in most dogs and can meet them relatively easily.


I am not a cat fan and do not want to live with them.



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