

  • 8 years old
  • 9.33 lbs
  • Female

Let's enjoy life together!

About Jessica

“My name is Jessica. I am a happy, playful cat with a gentle, friendly and BIG personality. I like petting and will even let you hold me for short periods of time, but laps don’t really do much for me. Here’s a warning or two…OK, maybe four warnings. I’m a big talker and I like my own food dish and litter box. Also, when you’re ready to go to sleep, make sure you hide all my toys with bells on them. Some nights I like to wake up to play and toys with bells are some of my favorites so I might just wake you up!

I am so grateful to have been rescued that snowy day, and I will let you know that every day when we become a family. If you adopt me, you’ll be getting a smart and cultured cat; I know my name and I love to listen to classical music. Let’s enjoy life together.

Energy Level

I enjoy playing, but it’s not a daily necessity.


Sure, we can snuggle.

Friendly with strangers

I can be slow to warm up, but I'll come around to most people.


I'm really well-behaved indoors, especially when I've got boundaries.


I've never been around kids before, but it's a possibility!


I've had very limited experience with dogs and, with proper introductions, may be happy living with them.


I can get along with cats, even if it takes some more structured introductions.


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