

  • 6 years old
  • 10.1633 lbs
  • Male

Looking to spend my life with you.

Sponsor Kobe

About Kobe

“Have you ever really thought about a cat’s whiskers? Not only are they part of our sensory functions, but they can show what our moods are. For instance, my distinct whiskers are relaxed which means I’m content. But I know I’d be even more content living with you. I think it would be wonderful to have a human family who would shower me with love and attention. I’ve never experienced that before. I can just sense that we would be very comfortable together.

Energy Level

I'd really love it if we could play almost every day!


I'm like velcro and would be near you all the time if I could!

Friendly with strangers

I can warm up to just about anyone!


I'm a super considerate housemate.


I get along with kids who are relatively well-behaved and who may occasionally run around and play in the same room as me.


I've had very limited experience with dogs and, with proper introductions, may be happy living with them.


I can get along with cats, even if it takes some more structured introductions.


FIV+, Heart Murmur

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