

  • 5 years old
  • 42 lbs
  • Female

Say hello to this floppy-eared friend!

About Sally

I am the Verified Most Beautiful Dog In The Whole Entire World. (Verified by me, of course!) I mean, just look at me – I have these floppy ears, this shiny coffee-colored coat, and deep hazelnut eyes. I’m STUNNING.

I know every single trick in existence. (Okay, well, PRACTICALLY every trick.) I can sit, lay down, come when called, touch your hand, go lay down on my mat wherever you put it, stay (even when you leave the room – I am a stay master!), and can even hold still for my vet shots. I am also excellent at walking nicely on leash and am potty-trained.

It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re in the city or the country – I can do both! I used to live in an urban apartment with my foster, and I was really happy there. But one of my favorite things to do is visit hiking trails and parks!

I have just about a million hobbies – I love training new tricks, running, going on walks, exploring nature, jumping through high grass, rolling in water (and sometimes even mud!), playing tug, and lots of other active things. But I like down time, too – lounging around, taking big afternoon naps, chewing on toys, snuggling up with my friends, and giving lots of kisses sounds like a great time to me!

I don’t like loud, crowded places and I absolutely don’t appreciate big trucks. They scare me a lot!

When I first meet someone, I take a few minutes to warm up to them. But once you’re my friend, you’re my friend for life!

So, submit an application today so you can take me home!

Medical Waiver Needed – Ask a staff member!

Energy Level

I enjoy a daily walk around the block or the occasional game of fetch.


Let's snuggle!

Friendly with strangers

With proper introductions I can love anybody.


I'm a super considerate housemate.


I've never been around kids before, but it's a possibility!


I've had very limited experience with dogs and, with proper introductions, may be happy living with them.


I can get along with cats, even if it takes some more structured introductions.


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