

  • 1 year old
  • 9.01 lbs
  • Male

Just the independent cat you've been looking for!

Adopt Steve

About Steve

“Hello, I’m Steve. I might be a bit shy at first but give me a little time and I’ll be chasing toy mice and batting at feather toys with the best of them. I’ve got energy to spare, but I also value my independence. I’m the kind of cat who can entertain himself when you’re busy, but I’ll always be ready for a play session when you are. I’m a big fan of personal space, and the best way to show your affection for me is to play with me. I’ve got a lot of love to give, I just need the right person to share it with. Adopting me means gaining a loyal, playful, and independent friend. I promise, you won’t regret it.”

Energy Level

I'd really love it if we could play almost every day!


Sure, we can snuggle.

Friendly with strangers

I can be slow to warm up, but I'll come around to most people.


I'm a super considerate housemate.


I've never been around kids before, but it's a possibility!


I can get along with dogs, even if it takes some more introductions.


I can get along with cats, even if it takes some more structured introductions.



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