

  • 11 months old
  • 7.05 lbs
  • Male

I promise to bring so much joy into your life!

About Truffle

“Hi there human, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Truffle, and I’m a tiny tidbit of kitten delight. I’m so special I’ll steal your heart and convince you it was your idea to lose it. My likes include playing with kitten-friendly toys, gentle pets, and curling up for cat naps. Dislikes? Reality TV, bad cattitudes, and life without my own last name. So give me yours and I’ll be happy as a kid with a box of chocolates now and forever because I’ve found my new home with you.”

Energy Level

I'd really love it if we could play almost every day!


Let's snuggle!

Friendly with strangers

With proper introductions I can love anybody.


I'm really well-behaved indoors, especially when I've got boundaries.


I've never been around kids before, but it's a possibility!


I've had very limited experience with dogs and, with proper introductions, may be happy living with them.


I would do great with pretty much any cat and may prefer to be around cats.


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