

  • 6 years old
  • Female

Adventurous Annie

About Annie

“I know. It’s obvious that you’ll notice my eyes first. You’ll see my intelligence and love of adventure in my eyes. I love to play with my cat friends, climb cat trees, play on a rope bridge at my foster’s house and chase any toys I can find!

I’m fond of other cats and have many cat friends, but I’d like some human friends to gaze at. I can see us now, being silly with playing, being loving with cuddling, and being filled up with eating. I love to snuggle and sometimes even sleep in the bed at my fosters house. I’m an affectionate gal, what can I say?

So, let’s look ahead and see what we can make of our lives – together.”

Energy Level

Let's do all the things! I LOVE to play and run around!


Meh. I could take it or leave it.

Friendly with strangers

Yes, with proper introductions.


I'm a super considerate housemate.


I’d do well in a home with teenagers (13+)


I don’t know yet – I’ve never met a dog before.


No, thank you



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