

  • 4 years old
  • 11.7 lbs
  • Female

Looking for a home with a cat friend!

Adopt Cardamom

Sponsor Cardamom

About Cardamom

Meet Cardamom: The Spice of Your Life!

Cardamom, a lovely lady with a heart as warm as her fur, is ready to spice up your home! This torbie beauty is a connoisseur of toys and an affection aficionado. Beware, though-she’s got a chicken allergy, but that won’t stop her from showering you with love. Adopt Cardamom and let the purr-fect companionship begin!

Energy Level

I enjoy playing, but it’s not a daily necessity.


Let's snuggle!

Friendly with strangers

With proper introductions I can love anybody.


I'm better behaved indoors than most humans! Your rugs are safe with me!


I've never been around kids before, but it's a possibility!


I've had very limited experience with dogs and, with proper introductions, may be happy living with them.


I can get along with cats, even if it takes some more structured introductions.



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