

  • 9 months old
  • 3.16 lbs
  • Female

Ready to blossom with my forever family!

About Blossom

“Hi there, I’m Blossom! My days are filled with energetic leaps and playful pounces. I love to chase after toys, or even my own tail! But when it’s time to rest, I can be a little shy. I’ll curl up in a quiet corner, purring gently as I dream of my next adventure. Despite my bursts of energy, I’m a gentle soul. I’m not one to scratch or bite, preferring to show my affection with soft nuzzles and warm purrs. If you’re looking for a fun-loving, gentle companion who will bring joy and laughter to your life, then I’m the kitten for you!”

Energy Level

Let's do all the things! I am happiest when I have the chance to play or train every day!


Meh. I could take it or leave it.

Friendly with strangers

With proper introductions I can love anybody.


I'm really well-behaved indoors, especially when I've got boundaries.


I enjoy the company of kids who are quiet and respectful towards animals.


I've had very limited experience with dogs and, with proper introductions, may be happy living with them.


I can get along with cats, even if it takes some more structured introductions.


FIV+ ask a staff member for more information

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