Since 2013, Friends For Life and BARC have partnered with Houston low-cost clinics SNAP and Emancipet to provide free spay/neuter surgeries and wellness services to Houston pet owners. This effort helps reduce pet overpopulation and promotes pet wellness in targeted areas of Houston.
Desde 2013, Friends For Life y BARC se han asociado con las clínicas de bajo costo SNAP y Emancipet de Houston para proporcionar cirugías de esterilización / castración y servicios de bienestar gratuitos a los dueños de mascotas de Houston. Este esfuerzo ayuda a reducir la superpoblación de mascotas y promueve el bienestar de las mascotas en áreas específicas de Houston.
Currently, this service is only offered to those who reside within Houston City Limits; below is a map that details Houston City Limits.
Actualmente, este servicio solo se ofrece a quienes residen dentro de los límites de la ciudad de Houston; a continuación se muestra un mapa que detalla los límites de la ciudad de Houston.
July 12, 2013 Announcement
Friends For Life leads unprecedented public/private partnership
Friends For Life is proud to be a part of an unprecedented public/private partnership to offer free spay/neuter and wellness services to the animals belonging to residents in a low income neighborhood in Houston. Friends For Life will underwrite the needs of all the neighborhood cats in this unique initiative including spay/neuter, vaccinations, micro-chipping, registration and transportation to/from the clinic on the Friends For Life Mobile Adoption Vehicle (MAV).

Friends For Life has joined forces with BARC, SNAP, representatives of the Mayor’s office, Councilman Gonzalez’s office, Wesley Community Center, Unity for a Solution and several key community leaders to create this visionary coalition for change. This is the first step in what we plan to be many such efforts in this and other neighborhoods.
This targeted, public/private model has never been tried before in Houston but has met with great success in Austin (now a No Kill city). This laser focused (door to door, actually) targeted approach will provide free spay/neuter and wellness for owned (and loosely owned) animals in a neighborhood that has the highest impound rates in town. This kind of concentrated effort will have the effect of reducing the animal population, increasing the quality of life for the animals in the neighborhood and decreasing the number of animals impounded and killed. Initiatives and cooperation like this are steps toward moving Houston on the path to becoming a No Kill city.
We are honored to be a part of bringing this game-changing new approach to Houston and honor the groups involved for their vision, energy and commitment.