Caution: The pictures are difficult but we want to share the full story with you.
May 18, 2018
#FFLArmy: We need you. Please donate to help us save Cinnamon.
With multiple maggot-filled holes in his belly and flies swirling around him, Cinnamon laid across the apartment threshold and waited in heat. His little belly ripped open, the infection from a brutal attack was slowly eating him alive.
Unnoticed for so long, when Cinnamon saw the BARC officers look at him and call to him, the officers reported that he struggled to his feet and walked toward them.
Adopted from BARC as a kitten, Cinnamon had been brutally attacked and discarded. He was once a kitten joyful to be chosen for adoption.

Upon examination, the BARC vet found several open wounds, a large amount of maggots, necrotic tissue protruding from the belly wound, a possibly systemic infection, all indicating that this kitten was badly injured some time ago (possibly a dog attack) and has gone without care. And this in a cat who was adopted and still wears his Barc license tag on his collar.
What did FFL do?
FFL pulled Cinnamon from BARC up and took him directly to VERGI emergency. As of this morning, he is stable and bright, alert and responsive. Cinnamon will have a long road to recovery but he took the first, brave steps. Please help us continue to walk with him by donating what you can. Can you help us raise $3500 for Cinnamon?

WARNING – Graphic Images
May 20, 2018
On Friday told you about Cinnamon – found on a hot day with maggot-filled holes in his belly.
Here’s an update from the hospital: Cinnamon is improving steadily. He’s on a buffet of antibiotics and shows great spirits. He’s even standing up on his own!!
Cinnamon will be in the hospital until he’s more stable – and then we hope to move him to a medical foster home.
BIG THANK YOU to everyone who pitched in to our Cinnamon fundraiser! FFL Army – it’s wonderful to show up for work knowing that you have our back! Cinnamon is a loving kitty with a great will to live. Thank you for giving him the chance!

May 21, 2018
A warm thank you from Cinnamon (and FFL!) to all of the FFL Army who helped fund his medical treatment! He wants you to know that he is doing his part and standing up, purring, healing and eating canned food like it was his job!
He’s back here at FFL and is getting regular bandage changes and close monitoring from our wellness team. When he doesn’t need such frequent bandage changes, he has an expert medical foster waiting in the wings to take him in to get the rest of the way to a full healing.
June 2, 2018
Here’s a pic of two cool cats! We’re grateful to dr. Trevino, our vet, for helping our animals get better. Big thanks to everybody who donated toward Cinnamon’s hospitalization and surgery! From dr. T’s twitter post: “Another great success story at the best shelter ever @Friends4Lifeorg!! Cinnamon is on the mend and healing extremely well! Here at Friends For Life every animal matters! Every single one.
#AdoptDontShop #Caturday #Houston #sheltercats Stop by and say Hi to us!”

June 4, 2018
Hey, #TeamCinnamon and #FFLArmy! During a bandage change, we discovered that Cinnamon is healing incredibly well – that’s HUGE for this guy.
Thank you for all of your well wishes and support so far – they are helping him fight through this chapter of his life to change his story. You made this possible. We are overwhelmed with gratitude every time we look into this guys eyes.
July 10, 2018
Cinnamon is snoozing his days away in the adult cat room at the shelter; stop by and meet him!