Kristen and Tony gave Lulu a safe space to open up and be her true self.
This is what dedication looks like. Lulu is one of our ‘long-term behavior dogs’, but Kristen and Tony get to see the real Lulu.
What is your best memory of fostering?
The very first day PC from FFL brought Lu to our house she acted like a crazy dog – ran around, jumping off couches, doing zoomies and drinking from the toilet! I was beginning to question our decision, but she calmed down after a few minutes and little by little she opened up and began to trust us. Once you are in Lu’s inner circle, you are a friend for life.
What is your favorite thing about your foster?
Lu is the BEST napper and snuggler, she is always down to be lazy and take a mid-day nap with you on the weekends. Although, she is always ready for a new adventure, whether it’s a car ride, the beach or going on a hike! She’s a great travel companion. Lu is also ridiculously smart and loves learning new things.
What do you like best about fostering?
We enjoy meeting all different types of dogs – breed, size, personality. Some animals can be very stressed in a shelter environment and fostering gives them a safe place to decompress and heal, both physically and emotionally. The best is when they open up and relax, then their personalities really shine!
What has been your biggest struggle with fostering?
Not being able to help them all. Houston has a severe stray dog crisis, and we see animals all the time that need our help. Organizations like Friends For Life can only do this with the help of its foster network. We are vocal to our friends and family about the benefits of fostering.
How has life changed for you as a foster?
Fostering gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. We love being able to help a scared, nervous, fearful dog gain more confidence and watch them come out of their shells.
Want to foster?
Sign up and we’ll work with you to match with a cat or dog looking for a temporary home.