Friends For Life does not have any law enforcement authority. With over 50 law enforcement agencies and multiple animal welfare organizations, it can be confusing to know where to report animal cruelty. is an umbrella website created by the Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce.
Filling out a report at this site takes the guesswork out of reporting. They will get every report filed to the correct agency.
Animals cannot speak for themselves so please err on the side of reporting something that doesn’t look or seem right. Your report could save an animal a lifetime of suffering or a cruel death.
Other Choices
BARC (Houston Bureau of Animal Regulation & Control)
Phone: 713-229-7300
Always dial 911 in case of a life-threatening emergency
To report a dangerous animal running loose or a wild animal inside your home
If you have a wild animal in your yard, in the vicinity of your home, or where you are: It is not necessary to call. Respect the animal and give it plenty of space. Move family and pets to a safe and secure area. Do not attempt to touch, feed or capture the animal.
Houston Police Animal Control
Phone: 713-884-3131
To report animal abuse, fighting or other mistreatment and/or animals in distress
Houston SPCA
Phone: 713-869-7722
File an Online Animal Cruelty Report
The Houston SPCA Cruelty Investigation staff depends greatly on input from the community for information concerning suspected animal cruelty. Any details that you are able to provide will increase the chances of seeing that the law is upheld and that the animals are rescued. Complainant information is not released by Houston SPCA investigators and every measure will be taken to ensure confidentiality.