Clinics provide free vet exams, vaccinations, and preventatives to Houston pet owners HOUSTON—March 25, 2021—With the global pandemic marking its
Galveston Fence Project
26 - 27 March 2021
Houston Apartments Without Breed Restrictions
Moving with a bully breed can be hard. We’ve collected this map and list of apartments in the Greater Houston area that have been* verified to have
Black Cats Unsheltered
All Black Cats Senior (10+) Black Cats Senior cats can have just as much spunk for play as a kitten, but with the added benefit of having the
Houston Area Emergency Vet Clinics
Animal Emergency Clinic NEWebsite: houstonaecne.comAddress: 10205 Birchridge Dr., Humble, TX 77338Phone: 281-446-4900 Gulf Coast Animal Emergency
22,000 lbs. of food
We've never seen a crisis like this. Our response had to be just as unprecedented. We responded with a 100% free vet wellness clinic. It's
70% chance of thunderstorms. 0% chance we were going to let our community down.
Last night, we went to bed looking at the 70% chance of thunderstorms predicted for today. But we also knew we had a fully booked clinic today and
The Unsheltered Manifesto
We are the Unsheltered. The rebellious. Seekers of hard truths. Believers in second chances. And third chances. Believers in not even counting chances
Essential Means Lifesaving
The weekend of the first clinic, a family of four waited patiently in a line of more than 150 cars. Two young girls, Miranda and Melody, shared the