International internet celebrity Quilty the cat gets a family Saturday
Unless you are new to the internet just today, you’ve heard of our #adoptable cat Quilty. (And if you are new, welcome! It’s mostly cats and baby goats. You’ll love it.)
We had no idea that calling a cat a “spicy a-hole” on the interwebs would generate enough global love to spark a movement, but here we are. #freeQuilty is for all of those long shot, a-hole, “unadoptable” long-stay pets who are on the wrong side of the door—the side without a family of their own.
You can see some of Quilty’s coverage (NPR, Newsweek, TIME, DailyMail, UNILAD…) here and follow his Instagram account (@free_quilty) for spicy updates.
Tomorrow (Nov 9), our infamous master criminal celebrated in the #freeQuilty movement gets to go wreak havoc… uh, we mean live peaceably at someone else’s place (praise the lord.) We will stream the event live on his instagram @free_quilty.
So as of Saturday, like every epic struggle, Quilty’s fight becomes about more than just his fate.
#freeQuilty is for those souls, feline and otherwise, who will not be contained and have zero shame. We see you. And we love your spice. Together, we say to the world: don’t underestimate us and mostly, don’t leave the damn broom in front of the door, Karen.
What are The Spicy wearing this season?
What will Those Who Will Not Be Contained be sporting?
Quilty swag, of course.
Get yer #freeQuilty shirts, wristbands, and stickers.
Wear them proudly. Anywhere you damn well want to go.

“You can’t go through life trying not to get hurt.”
We took Archie in from a kill shelter a few months ago. We gave him what we think may have been his first bath. He seemed to love the warm water and massage.
It never gets old to be there at the moment that you see an animal receive long-awaited kindness from human touch.
We brought out a dog bowl to give him a drink and he didn’t recognize it. He leaned past Marilyn to drink out of the bucket. That tells us something of his past. Every bone in his body was easy to see. He has been starved for a long time. He had pressure calluses on his hips, some skin tumors and badly infected ears and feet. His teeth were worn nearly completely flat—some from age and some, we think, from gnawing at an enclosure. He was high heartworm positive and had scabies.
One of our vet fosters, Dr. Isbell, agreed to foster him during his intensive medical recovery. Over the months, though, she would fall in love with him. She wasn’t sure how she was going to let him go if someone applied to adopt him.
So, a few weeks ago, Dr. Isbell officially signed the adoption papers to make Archie part of her family forever.
You can follow his continuing adventures, and see his previous progress, on his Instagram @archiethefflrescuedog.