It's the end of a 12-hour Sunday. An exhausted, but fulfilled, team took a pause after the last client of the day. It was a moment to do 6-foot-apart
Essential Means Lifesaving
The weekend of the first clinic, a family of four waited patiently in a line of more than 150 cars. Two young girls, Miranda and Melody, shared the
Start by doing what is necessary
"Start by doing what is necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."St. Francis of Assisi Sunday, Carmelita
Some Heroes Wear Shower Caps
Irene opened the shelter door to a man wearing a face mask. He was in his mid-40s and looked hot, as if he walked here on foot. A shower cap was
Lessons Learned From Rocky, The King of Cats
This last couple of weeks interacting with so many of y’all has really given me some insight into what tightly wrapped creatures you hairless monkeys
Shelter 3.0
I want to share a strange and surprising revelation. I believe a Jewish mathematician, who was hounded out of Europe by the Nazis, can help us
Cat Doe
Chapter One: Janet! The morning of September 7, 2019, we got a call from the SPCA. They had picked up a cat who had a microchip that was
A Victim of Nature, A Casualty of Time
Boris’ rescuer found him emaciated and not looking good. She brought him to her home, and then to the vet, where the bloodwork showed he has a
Small Beast, Big Love
We considered the limits of our responsibility for a street cat and Bestia’s pain. ... but throughout all our ethical considerations was the nagging